Redesign of Leifheit’s International Platform


Conversion rate boosted by 100%, plus an average cart value increased by 17%

22 Mar 2024

Our redesign of Leifheit’s international platform has resulted in a large boost in sales and significantly fewer abandoned carts. The project involved a comprehensive optimisation of the client’s web store, preceded by market analyses, user observations and workshops for the client.

For 60 years, Leifheit has remained a leading provider of household supplies, offering its products in more than 80 countries across the globe.



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How has our partnership with Leifheit developed?

Leifheit has enjoyed a long-term partnership with e-point. We began with a pilot implementation of an e-commerce platform in Poland, followed by implementing the PWA standard and redesigning the Polish web store. The success of the pilot project spurred the company to launch its online store in Germany and the remaining 11 countries.

Over the years, we have been able to achieve such things as:

  • increase the effectiveness of content, promotion and customer communications management in 11 countries
  • shorten site loading times and make it more searchable for algorithms
  • increase the conversion rate and deliver measurable business results (Leifheit’s B2C sales in Germany grew by more than 7000 transactions over four months) 

Challenges faced by an international e-commerce platform

Leifheit has encountered a number of problems, including those reported by the platform team and those submitted by customers calling the CS department.

Major challenges included:

  • adapting the graphic design of the web store to improve the customer experience and Core Web Vitals metrics, 
  • optimising the search engine,
  • coming up with an effective way to promote key products and make added benefits more visible to customers.

The goal of the project was to increase the appeal of the web store, improve navigability, shorten search times and make additional benefits more prominent.

After in-depth consultations with Leifheit, a UX analysis, going through the Google Analytics data and organising a team workshop for the client, we were able to identify the main problems and goals. We carried out benchmarking to present the industry trends, and jointly developed web store user personas and a list of potential threats. 

"Effective communication with e-point combined with constantly analysing and monitoring customer behaviour and the sales results have enabled us to identify further areas that could be optimised for even higher business performance. Based on this, we decided to redesign our web store".

Anna Godlewska

E-commerce & Marketing Manager

Leifheit Polska

Leifheit’s transformation into an appealing and effective e-commerce business

Market analyses, customer observations and hands-on workshops were at the foundation of our comprehensive optimisation of the client’s web store. We created personas and identified potential threats for a more coherent strategy. 

The optimisation involved such elements as the interface, navigation and the purchasing process, and was in-line with modern design principles and market trends. Other features included context filters, optimised mobile navigation and new options added to the product pages.

The problem Examples of ineffectiveness Our changes
Inadequate diversity in how products were presented Uninspiring, uniform product presentation
  • Altered the product page layout;

  • Added the ability to zoom in on product details;

  • Added inspiring descriptions and lifestyle photos

Long search times resulting in customers leaving the page No filters to narrow down search results
  • Added context filters for various categories;

  • Added a “Buy” button to product thumbnails;

  • Added a section containing products from the same line and a “Buy as a set” section.

Complex product understanding process Customers had to put in a great deal of effort to understand the products and see the differences between the various models
  • Increased product photo and video space;

  • Updated product pages to match modern design principles;

  • Added separate sections for reviews and questions;

  • Essential product information was added to the same viewport as the “Add to cart” action.

Complex purchasing process Multiple clicks were needed to make a purchase, leading to many abandoned carts
  • Shortened the purchase form;

  • Redesigned the checkout process;

  • Added the option to sign in with Google/Facebook.

No shopping triggers Customers were not informed about such additional benefits as free shipping or extended warranties
  • Increased prominence of benefits during browsing;

  • Benefit descriptions added to product tiles;

  • Made free shipping and extended warranty more prominent.

Difficulties matching accessories and products Promotional and inspirational materials were not displayed prominently enough
  • Redesigned the category and subcategory pages;

  • Added inspiring contents;

  • Integrated promotional content with the sales offerings.

Higher conversion rates, fewer abandoned carts and increased cart values are just some of the effects of our modifications

The changes have not only contributed to improving the customer experience, but have also resulted in measurable business-related benefits, driving sales and boosting customer loyalty.

The changes have resulted in:

Search times shorter by 60%

100% increase in the conversion rate

17% increase in the average cart value

Our long-term partnership has helped us gain a thorough understanding of Leifheit’s business and customers. In addition to these effective changes, we have also delivered a detailed list of recommendations and best practices that can be implemented at any time. Their purpose is to further optimise and proactively develop the brand’s business strategy.

"The time we spent working with Leifheit involved constant analyses, upgrading the technologies and introducing improvements. During this time, we could also understand the needs of the company’s clients well enough for our solutions to become not only effective, but even strategic. Our long-term partnership has allowed us to develop the platform, inspire follow-up actions and become a partner that not only responds to needs, but also predicts and shapes them together with the client".

Iga Michalska

Senior UX Designer


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