Developing Leifheit's TWA in Polish and German Markets


Google's Trusted Web App (TWA) "packaging" allowed us to deploy fully-functioning Android app in one week

20 May 2020

Leifheit, a leading supplier of household goods, has been expanding its digital presence. As part of that process, we created two mobile applications using Google’s TWA (Trusted Web Activities) standard for their stores in Poland and Germany. The project took just one week to implement.


For 60 years, Leifheit has been a household name for cleaning, ironing, drying, well-being, and kitchen products. The company employs about 1,100 people and serves 80 countries worldwide. Previously, Leifheit sold its products exclusively through distributors; recently, however, the company made a strategic decision to expand into online sales. The new store apps were part of this process.

The next stage of Leifheit’s Digital Expansion

Initially, Leifheit’s digital expansion was handled by another provider. Due to the scale and complexity involved, Leifheit decided to transfer the project to e-point. Thus, we became Leifheit's partner in the digital expansion process. Earlier stages included a pilot of their online store, a PWA implementation, and the launch of a new portal. We are currently jointly executing subsequent stages of the transformation.

"Our mission is to deliver products that make people's work easier and save them time. Being able to order an item from a place of the customer's choosing takes this mission to a whole new level and offers a blend of traditional products and innovative solutions".

Kim Schiefer

Head of Strategic Business Development Digital

Leifheit AG

What is a TWA?

To understand TWAs (Trusted Web Activities), you first have to understand the Google PWA (Progressive Web Application) standard. Essentially, PWA is a set of website design standards and technological solutions that makes a website behave like a native application on a mobile device.

TWA quickly 'packages' websites designed to the PWA standard, which makes them available on the Google Play platform as apps. A TWA is a complete solution that operates like a native Android app, with all the benefits of excellent efficiency and ease of use.

PWA and TWA = top notch mobile experience

At an earlier stage in our cooperation, we optimized Leifheit's e-commerce outlet for mobile user experience by redesigning the site and implementing the Progressive Web Application standard.

Implementing a TWA once a PWA has been set up is a natural step forward. It does not require large financial outlays, as the application will not be created from scratch. This also means the project will take less time and produce much faster and more visible results. The application also does not call for any additional work on the part of the client team – all website changes will automatically be saved in the application.

Thanks to the PWA and TWA standards, the application works smoothly and efficiently, ensuring an excellent mobile user experience.

"We have been working on optimizing the service for months, particularly in developing its sales support tools via mobile devices. Our goal is to enable clients to make purchases in their preferred way. Hence TWA, a natural mobile commerce solution that allows us to put an impeccably-functioning application in the Google Play store".

Katarzyna Bronowska

E-commerce & Marketing Manager

Leifheit Polska

e-point SA is the first Polish company to receive a Conversion Optimization certificate


Project Execution

The project consisted of supplementing the existing e-commerce system with a mobile application. Getting it done involved:

  creating an application using an android-browser-helper library,
  preparing icons and start screens,
  Generating an application parcel ready to download to the Google Play store,
  creating content and banners for Google Play,
  running internal application tests using test modes in Google Play,
  deploying the production application.

"The key element was quick delivery of the application to the Google Play store while still retaining all its current functionalities. By implementing TWA, we ensure that the application will operate exactly the same way as the existing website".

Daniel Obrębski

Senior Developer, Team Leader

e-point SA

Result: super-speedy app delivery

In just a few days, TWA technology allowed us to create viable apps for Leifheit’s Polish and German stores. Users can download these apps and get the same functionalities as the e-commerce website. Yet, thanks to TWA, the apps actually work faster than the same site in the Google Chrome mobile browser.

Discover how our solutions can help you quickly and efficiently launch a mobile app using TWA technology, ensuring an excellent user experience.

Contact us to explore more possibilities!

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