Lilianna Żuchowicz

Talent Manager, Gallup® Certified Strengths Coach


Talent Manager at e-point. Her area of interest focuses on the development of people and teams based on talents. Liliana loves meeting 1: 1 and building self-awareness based on StrenghtsFinder. She believes that good knowing each other help us to make better choices in every sphere of life.

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01 Aug 2019Lilianna Żuchowicz5min

Win-Win: how to leverage employees’ talents for organizational success

NewsWorking at e-point
14 Jun 2019Lilianna Żuchowicz2min

Gold for e-point in HR DREAM TEAM contest in the category of Talent Development in the Organisation

Working at e-pointNews
16 May 2018Lilianna Żuchowicz4min

Why it is worth investing in talents?

Working at e-point