Grzegorz Ścisło

e-point International CEO


Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board at e-point and CEO at e-point International. As a member of the Supervisory Board, Grzegorz advises and supervises the Board of Directors in fulfilling their duties related to the management of the enterprise. He is also involved in the mentoring of Project Managers.

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18 Jan 2021Grzegorz Ścisło6min

New Portal Project Management

Getting Internal IT Teams On Board
TechnologyPortalsCustom DevelopmentProject Management
14 Oct 2019Grzegorz Ścisło3min

Headless eCommerce - the many-faced god of modern internet commerce

Every company faces the threat of aging solutions that hamper the performance.
09 Oct 2019Grzegorz Ścisło4min

Explainer videos in e-commerce

87% of marketing professionals use video as a key tool in their online marketing strategy
18 Sep 2019Grzegorz Ścisło6min

Twitch commerce - a rising trend in modern e-commerce?

Is Twitch commerce really a thing?
19 Jul 2019Grzegorz Ścisło4min

The state of Online Journey Hijacking

Online Journey Hijacking involves illegal access to the user’s browser via digital malware
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