5 implementation examples for market leaders
Remote execution and tracking of life insurance covers
For the company Polski Gaz Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych na Życie (Polish Gas Mutual Life Insurance Company) we have created from scratch a system which allows clients to execute new agreements and inspect all previous contracts to date without having to consult the customer service.
Polish Gas Mutual Life Insurance Company is an insurance society which has been operating under the PGNIG Capital Group since the end of 2016. It was founded by the Polish Gas TUW (as part of the capital group Polish Oil Mining and Gas Extraction S.A. - PGNIG), which ensures the stability and financial security of Polish Gas TUW.
The company wanted to streamline the process of execution and archiving of insurance covers.
Another goal was to make it possible for clients to remotely access all the documents they had signed without having to contact the customer service.
To address the above mentioned problems we had to design and implement a new insurance cover management system. The system has allowed clients to sign agreements and look into all documents at a distance as well as has significantly reduced the customer service workload.
"We wanted the process of signing contracts to become easier and less costly. From now on we are able to quickly generate agreements, send them off to clients and obtain client signatures in a time-saving manner. Our clients can enjoy the benefit of an easy access to all documents involved. An internet connected device is enough".
Due to the sensitive nature of the business and a need for document confidentiality, one of the key concerns has been security. Thus, any activity performed in the system must be preceded by data authentication.
After the contract, all consents and documents relevant for a given policy have been generated by the agent, the client will receive an e-mail message containing a system link.
In order to access the system, clients must pass the first step of authentication and produce their personal identification number (pesel), passport number or ID number. Accessing a selected document is only possible after a code received in a text message has been entered by the client.
Analogically, in order to sign a document, when the "sign" button has been clicked, the client will receive a text message containing a code which is necessary to ultimately confirm the sign intent.
Maintaining a coherent ecosystem on one platform posed a bit of a challenge to our project team. It required integration with the IBA system - a modern, international platform based on cloud solutions. The tool is the foundation of the digitization of the insurance business.
"In this instance we were dealing with a custom system we had developed and an external, large tool used by the client. The key to success in such an integration is a smooth cooperation between the technical team and the business, which was run very efficiently this time".
We used the agile methodology. It allowed us to set tasks for implementation on a regular basis, solve technical issues and provide advice in terms of work planning and setting priorities.
For the purpose of the project a team of experienced FED and DEV as well as DEVOPS developers was set up.
We have developed a completely new, scalable system which is fit for further integrations. It is the client's intention to develop it further by adding subsequent functionalities and insurance entities.
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