Direction: Omnichannel – e-point report is already available!
You can now read the report entitled “Direction: Omnichannel. Banks in Quest of the Golden Mean”. In the report, we studied the strategies adopted by banks worldwide over recent years: from mobile only, to multichannel and mixed models, and up to omnichannel.
While working on the report, we read a number of publications and statistical data prepared from 2012 to 2015 by leading consulting and research companies across the world. That way, we learnt that:
- 65% of clients believe that bank clerks give better advice and adjust information to an individual’s situation, whereas 76% of respondents prefer to perform the simplest transactions online, e.g. wire transfers or checking their account’s balance.
- 31% of Polish banks’ clients would not choose their current bank again if given the chance, but only 12% of clients actually decided to change their bank.
- 60% of clients use online and traditional banking services to the same degree.
Conclusions from our analysis led us to formulate a thesis that mobile technologies, seen as the most advanced, do not necessarily replace other channels but fundamentally change the way in which the clients use them. Therefore, we found Omnichannel a recommendable direction for clients, not only limited to the banking industry.
e-point understands Omnichannel as several equal touchpoints being provided to a client, and the continuation of any operation regardless of how it has been initiated. A company that pursues the omnichannel strategy does not suggest which touchpoint is better to the client, and provides the technological solutions so as to ensure the client the highest comfort possible in each channel..