
Agile project management as the key to successful digital transformation. e-point at V E-Commerce Forum

The celebration of e-commerce at the V E-Commerce Forum (Forum E-Handel) is already over. This year, the event was held on 19-20 October as part of Retail Channels 360° Forum. Being a partner in organizing the event, we invited the participants to an unusual workshop in IT project management.

Meeting with market leaders

The event was a great opportunity for retailers and representatives of the FMCG industry to take advantage of the knowledge and experience of market leaders such as Makro, Tesco, Toys’R’Us Polska, Intermarche, Coca Cola Hellenic and Ochnik. Lectures were simultaneously held in 2 parallel sessions: Sales and Marketing, and Logistics and Customer Support.

Bricks & clicks

There was a lot of talk about combining online and offline experiences. Nowadays, a lot of companies struggle with complex and nonlinear paths to purchase. They don’t know how to easily reach their clients, who interact with the brand on many channels and through the use of different devices. Consumers do research before they buy. They read about the product online before visiting the shop. Sometimes they even look for information while being already in the brick and mortar store.

Therefore, it’s obvious that brands need omnichannel solutions and deep integration of different marketing and sales channels, with particular regard to mobile devices, which are gradually becoming the primary tool for browsing for products and shopping. Communication standards are changing as well: users expect a personalized approach and offers tailored to their needs.

Implementing advanced IT solutions

Mechanisms that combine internet and brick and mortar shops, online retail chains, data and location based mobile campaigns are… well, a good idea! However, when it comes to implementing the aforementioned ideas, most branch directors and project managers come across a serious problem: their own fear of the responsibility of starting a big IT project. They often ask themselves: “How can I be certain that the hired company will deliver the adequate solution on time and on budget? What if I’ll end up with a project that is going to drag on for years and will be impossible to finish? What if we won’t get a return on the invested money and human resources? How will I be able to assess progress in the development of the project if I lack the professional knowledge?”

We understand these doubts and frustrations. However, we also know that fear of new technological projects might unnecessarily hamper growth. Instead of investing in new solutions and following the customers’ shopping style, companies become paralyzed.

Is there a remedy for that? Before you start such a project it’s a good idea to choose an adequate project management method. A method that is flexible, agile and business-oriented, such as DSDM (Dynamic System Development Method).

Agile project management and LEGO Game

In order to accustom the participants with the method, we had devised a game. The team was supposed to choose a product owner and build a city out of Legos. We prepared a realistic project development environment with limited time and resources.

It quickly turned out that it’s fundamental to prepare a set of minimal requirements. A list had to be created that included all the necessary and basic elements a city cannot go without. In other words, participants had to learn that they are not supposed to build an awe inspiring city but an MVP, Minimum Viable Product. This abbreviation describes a product that contains only the necessary functions. It means that it can be prepared fairly quickly and promptly shown to your recipients for feedback. The quicker we get feedback, the faster we can learn and draw conclusions.

For our participants, MVP meant a LEGO city that had the most crucial elements that would allow it to function properly. We have to differentiate between “must have” qualities and convenient extras to productively coordinate work (so we can deliver the solution on time) and effectively communicate. With an MVP, a company can quickly control the direction in which the development is going and promptly apply changes. The MVP gives the opportunity to actively participate in the creative process and to understand the evolution of the concept.

IT innovations in e-commerce

Maybe “methodology of IT project management” doesn’t sound compelling but it’s the foundation for implementing technological innovations, not only in e-commerce. Choosing the right methodology means that the company understands the importance of the new solution and can influence its development since the very beginning and can tailor it to its needs. This allows for the solution to be really functional and helpful, and the implementation process becomes a lot easier.

We would like to thank our energetic workshop participants who, in spite of limited time, skillfully completed our difficult challenge and built a wonderful LEGO city. We hope that the acquired experience will help them to achieve success in challenges which their companies will pit them against in the future.