25% of managers are dissatisfied with the results of implementing B2B e-commerce
What is the most important criterion to apply while choosing a B2B e- commerce platform?
As it follows from the survey Evaluating the Essential Factors in Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform, conducted by B2B Online Broadleaf Commerce and WBR Insight, flexibility and compatibility of the solution are of key relevance.
B2B platform must be flexible
The platform's lack of flexibility and inability to configure it with the new tools constitute a key blocker to the B2B e-commerce channel growth.
Source: "Evaluating the Essential Factors in Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform. Benchmark Report", 2019, conducted by B2B Online, Broadleaf Commerce and WBR Insight.
Thus, the surveyed managers recommend focusing on this very aspect while selecting a solution. It is about compatibility with the existing infrastructure as well as the ability to further integrate the system with the new tools. Thanks to this the platform may respond to the changing user needs and business environment. Otherwise, it tends to turn into a liability rather than support.
Read a full version of the report.
Evaluating the Essential Factors in Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform
PIM: a key to success
Asked “what area of B2B e-commerce is vital for success”, the surveyed responded strongly in one voice: advanced product information management systems (Product Information Management, PIM).
Source: "Evaluating the Essential Factors in Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform. Benchmark Report", 2019, conducted by B2B Online, Broadleaf Commerce and WBR Insight.
Managers know that the efficiency of an e-commerce system largely depends on the way product information is displayed - is the information sufficient for the customer to make a decision? Is it of relevant quality? Will it be consistent across all communication channels?
The core of online sales is therefore organising your offer neatly and maintaining a systematic product catalogue.
Are managers satisfied with B2B e-commerce?
When the surveyed were asked how they liked the existing B2B e-commerce systems used in their companies, 14% admitted to be "very satisfied" and 27% said they were "quite satisfied". The gap between the content and the dissatisfied ones is not that wide, as 25% declare to be "completely dissatisfied" with the implemented solution.
Source: "Evaluating the Essential Factors in Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform. Benchmark Report", 2019, conducted by B2B Online, Broadleaf Commerce and WBR Insight.
Authors of the report point out that the reason for disappointing results of B2B e-commerce implementations, on top of the above indicated lack of integration, is lack of consistent e- commerce strategy providing for close cooperation between IT, e-commerce and marketing with steady support from the board.
What next?
If you want to learn more about how e-commerce is changing the face of B2B, we recommend reading our report which was prepared together with the Mobile Institute.
If you wish to talk about e-commerce at your company - feel free to contact us.